A Crisis in the Family Courts

A Crisis in the Family Courts

A crisis is occurring for abused women* and their children in many of the family law courts in every state of the United States. I have heard similar stories from women in Australia and the United Kingdom as well. What is this crisis? Abusive fathers use the court...

The “In”Justice System – II

The “In”Justice System – II

Last week I began describing my journey through the “injustice” system when I separated from my abusive husband. Here is the link to last week’s blog. Today, I will continue the story. Both parts of the story are excerpts from my new book A Journey through Emotional...

The “In”Justice System

The “In”Justice System

Judges who refuse to issue restraining orders for women whose lives are obviously in danger, or Judges who give custody of minor children to fathers who have proven, frightening records of domestic violence. Often these men have not only physically abused the mothers,...

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