Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Biblical Grounds for Divorce

Abuse victims in the church are often kept in bondage because they are told that abuse is not "biblical grounds for divorce." Leslie Vernick disagrees, (and so do I). In a recent blog, Leslie answered the question, "What are biblical grounds for divorce when there is...

The Voice of a Sexual Abuse Survivor

The Voice of a Sexual Abuse Survivor

The more I work with domestic violence survivors, the more I realize how many have been sexually abused as children. I am no longer shocked in my counseling sessions when someone begins sharing how their father, uncle, brother or cousin sexually abused them when they...

Pastors, Protect Your Church

Pastors, Protect Your Church

The folks at A Cry For Justice recently shared a guest blog written by an American pastor. After dealing with abusers in his own church, this pastor came to several surprising conclusions about how a pastor should handle abuse within the church. It was so right on, I...

Domestic Violence Experienced by Men

Domestic Violence Experienced by Men

For six years I have been a domestic violence advocate, helping abuse victims and survivors. The vast majority have been women. Having very little experience with male victims, I have often wondered what their experience might be like. Recently, a blog I follow...

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